Bourgogne Expérience

Crédits : Pamela Richardson, Translation: Lizzie Gomes. Picture: RR

Nat Bowen

Nat Bowen, a British abstract artist based in Dubaï, is known globally for her eye-catching paintings in multi-layered resin.

Based on chromology, her art relies on the emotional response inspired by colours, a singular approach used to communicate powerful messages by playing on nuances and perceptions. Her method is quite simply exceptional: she pours pigmented epoxy resin onto an acrylic base which she then manipulates with a paintbrush to build abstract layers of colour. The pigments in the shiny resin respond to the light, reflecting and absorbing the surroundings, with the work becoming part of the space it inhabits. You will find some of these works exhibited at the Hostellerie de Levernois.


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