Bourgogne Expérience

Crédits : Pamela Richardson, Translation: Lizzie Gomes. Picture: RR

Mademoiselle and Axel, a brilliant alliance

In the exquisite world of Levernois and Sainte Sabine, the exceptional entente between Séverine Pétilaire-Bellet, the inspired "Mademoiselle," and Axel Nérin, the visionary General Manager, has given birth to a style of unique charm.

Authentic, passionate, determined, and with unfailing professionalism, Séverine Pétilaire-Bellet, known as Mademoiselle, and Axel Nérin, work together with exceptional complementarity. Mademoiselle's elegance and creativity combine with Axel's finesse and meticulous attention to detail. Together, they generate the vibrant spirit of the Hostellerie de Levernois and Château Sainte Sabine. Guided by their love for the estates, they are constantly exchanging ideas, stimulating each other to bring back to life all the former splendour.

A duo of excellence

The duo is not content with a simple cooperation. Theirs is a profound understanding, a communion, an abounding passion. Mademoiselle and Axel, united by exemplary and similar professional backgrounds, mutually enrich each other and together accomplish major projects, such as preserving and continuing the admirable work of Jean-Louis and Susannne Bottigliero, the former proprietors. Mademoiselle’s radiant energy complements Axel’s youth, who, in turn, gains from her wisdom. Their two-decade age difference proves to be a source of exceptional potential and achievement. The result is simply spectacular, a perception of timelessness. The majestic improvements made to the two establishments bear witness to this: The Salle des Gardes suite; flagship of the Château, the flamboyant 7 villas on the roof of Levernois, or again the future spa. This brilliant alliance breathes life into a timeless charm, of days gone by, that remains unmatched.


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